

cysgjj 07-09 9
中国绘画艺术作品介绍英语,中国绘画艺术作品介绍英语版摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于中国绘画艺术作品介绍英语的问题,于是小编就整理了4个相关介绍中国绘画艺术作品介绍英语的解答,让我们一起看看吧。介绍一幅画英语作文...


  1. 介绍一幅画英语作文5句?
  2. 介绍画展的英语作文?
  3. 用英文评价中国人的绘画技术三年级?
  4. 英语作文范文我的新家和画画?


I h***e had one picture that I g***e it names:Lotus Series.我创造了一副画,叫做莲花系列

It's a ***all work.它是一副小作品。


I like it very much我非常喜欢它。


I invite my friends to join an art exhibition in the moring ,and we saw famous painters draw in the afternoon.The works of art will be sold by auction and we will donate the money for children in poor areas.I feel very happy


As an AI language model, I can provide you with some common phrases to evaluate Chinese students' painting skills in English. Here are a few examples:


Good effort! The third-grade Chinese students h***e shown improvement in their painting techniques.

Impressive progress! The young artists from China h***e demonstrated solid skills in their paintings.

Well done! The third-grade Chinese students h***e a good grasp of basic painting techniques.


Admirable creativity! The young artists from China h***e displayed unique and imaginative ***roaches in their artwork.

Promising talent! The Chinese third-grade students h***e shown great potential in their painting abilities.

Remember, it's important to provide constructive feedback while encouraging and acknowledging the students' efforts and achievements.


我的新家(My new home)

  My family used to live in an apartment. It is big, bright and comfortable.

  However, since I went to middle school, my home is far away from my school, so we moved into a new house. I am not satisfied with this house. Because it is much ***aller than the old one. It has only two bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen.

  It has not a living room. I am not h***y that I h***e no place to put my books and clothes. But the house is near my school, so I can s***e much time on my way to school. Although the house is ***all and old, but it is includes my parents’ love.

  I love my new home.



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